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  • Rectifer Transformer
  • Rectifer Transformer
Rectifer TransformerRectifer Transformer

Rectifer Transformer

  • Product Item : 23
  • Category:Transformer
  • Views:203
  • Product description:Rectifer Transformer,BKC Series Control Transformer,Control Transformer, Lighting Transformer , Dry type Transformer , Distribution Transformer, Oil-immerse Transformer, China supplier distribution Transformer , substation Transformer


It is applicable to circuits with input voltage of 220V or 380V AC 50-60Hz. The output voltage is rectified by the transistor rectifier element to output the DC voltage, which is used for battery charging and equipment that needs to convert AC into DC.

Structure characteristics

BKZ series rectifier device is composed of BK series transformer and rectifier element with special technology and process

Working conditions

Altitude shall not exceed 2000 meters;

Ambient air temperature is - 25 to+40 , and the average value within 24 hours is not more than+35 ;

Relative humidity of air shall not exceed 90% at+25 and 50% at+40 ;

No violent vibration and impact vibration, and No rain and snow;

Without explosion hazard, there is no gas and conductive dust that can corrode metal and damage insulation

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