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The Principle of the Medium Frequency Furnace

The Medium frequency power is generated through the rectification and inversion of the thyristor and sent to the coil of the furnace body. The Medium frequency electromagnetic field is generated in the middle of the furnace body (coil), so that the metal in the furnace body generates eddy current, which then generates a large amount of heat energy for the metal to melt. The Medium Frequency Furnace is also an electromagnetic furnace. The working process is as follows: first, it rectifies the three-phase alternating current (with thyristors) into a single-phase direct current through an inverter power supply, and then it is inverted into a 200-8000hz Medium frequency pulsed alternating current by an inverter bridge, and then forms a magnetic field through the copper coil in the furnace liner. The magnetic field causes eddy currents in the metal in the copper coil. The eddy currents pass through the heated metal to generate heat, So as to achieve the purpose of smelting metal.

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