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Analysis of Reactive Power Compensation Allocation Principle

According to the power factor of the electrical equipment, the power loss of the transmission line can be measured. Through on-site technical transformation, the power factor lower than the standard requirements can reach the standard, and the purpose of power saving can be achieved. This paper analyzes the role of reactive power compensation and the selection method of compensation capacity, and focuses on the configuration of reactive power compensation capacity of low-voltage power grid and asynchronous motor.

Reactive power compensation mainly refers to the effective use of reactive power compensation devices and equipment to obtain the required reactive power, so as to reduce the energy consumption of grid operation, promote the effective improvement of power factor of the power system, and finally achieve the goal of improving the grid voltage quality.

As far as the actual situation of reactive power consumed during the operation of the power grid is concerned, in the power system, its transmission and distribution equipment and networks at all levels will produce reactive power consumption, of which the most serious reactive power consumption is the voltage distribution network. Therefore, during the actual operation of the power grid, in order to minimize the reactive power transmission consumption of the transmission line and thus promote the operation efficiency of the power grid transmission and distribution equipment, scientific and reasonable layout shall be carried out during the configuration of martial arts compensation devices and equipment, and the configuration principle of "local balance and hierarchical compensation" shall be adhered to to ensure the rational configuration of reactive power compensation devices.
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