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  • Dry type air-core reactors
Dry type air-core reactors

Dry type air-core reactors

  • Product Item : 17
  • Category:Reactor
  • Views:239
  • Product description:Dry type air-core Reactors , Reactor, Shunt Reactor, Dry -type Reactor, Output reactor, DC filter Reactor , input Reactor , China Supplier of Dry type air core Reactor , China Supplier Oil- immerse Reactor

Dry type air-core series reactors are suitable for 6, 10, and 35 kV power systems and are connected in series with shunt capacitors to suppress voltage waveform distortion in the power grid, thereby changing the quality of the power grid and ensuring the safe operation of the power system; Suppress the harmonic current flowing through the capacitor bank and limit the closing inrush current, thereby protecting the capacitor for safe and reliable operation.

Environmental conditions for use

1. Place of use: Outdoor or indoor, pay attention to ventilation and heat dissipation when using indoors.

Ambient temperature: - 40~45 .

3. Relative humidity: The monthly average does not exceed 90%, and the daily average does not exceed 95%.

4. Maximum wind speed: not exceeding 30m/s.

5. Altitude: not exceeding 1000m (if exceeding 1000m, please specify when ordering).

6. Seismic resistance: withstanding earthquakes with an intensity of 8 degrees.

The installation and operation area should be free of severe vibration or turbulence.

No harmful gases, steam, conductive or explosive dust.

(If there are special requirements, please indicate them when ordering.)

Executive standards

Power Transformers - Part 6: Reactors (GB/T1094.6-2011)

JB5346-2014 Series Reactors for High Voltage Parallel Capacitors

IEC280-1987 Reactor Standard

DL462-92 Technical Conditions for Ordering Series Reactors for High Voltage Parallel Capacitors

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